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As you believe in you, your happiness will GROW

Sarah E Haywood

Why is Intuitive Life Coaching for You?

Happiness is an inside job


The greater your happiness, the better your life will become


Are you:


Feeling Stuck in a rut?

Wanting more from your life?

Full of great ideas, unsure where to start?

Lacking confidence and belief in you?

Find yourself attracting relationships that aren't right for you?

Working in a job that doesn't utilise your skills fully?


Emotions play a big part in your life. Each one is valid and has reason to be there. When you take the time to observe them and understand your responses to experiences in your life, you begin to heal old traumas, some you know are there and some you do not. As you heal old trauma, it releases the pattern of behaviour that is sabotaging your future success and you begin to find yourself living a more positive and abundant life.  


As you work on your emotions, you begin to understand the body and how it is responding to them. This gives you the information and inclination to eat healthier and exercise more in order to increase your energy and give you better balance in life. 


As your mind and body become healthier, you become more open to look deeper within where you will begin to discover parts of you that before were hidden. These parts are often described as 'your genius'. The talents and skills that may have lain dormant for years or you have only touched on the surface of because of the emotional traumas and old conditioning from childhood still playing their part in your life.


To help you move into this deeper understanding of yourself and help you to live a more positive and happier life, Sarah's coaching will lead you to the answers that will help you to uncover the truth about you helping you to live life more fully without feeling stuck or hidden as you regain the confidence to be fully present and live the life you know you deserve, happy and fulfilled.



Ready to take a leap of faith in You?

Let's start with a conversation




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Message from Serapis Bey 

Message from Sanat Kumara 

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Sarah Haywood

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